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Spitfire Audio eDNA01 Earth

هنوز نظری درج نشده است
A once in a lifetime collection of electronic sounds derived, warped and re-birthed from Spitfire's enormous and highly valued collection of orchestral sample recordings... the first phase in our e.D.N.A. (ELECTRONIC DNA) project, creating the next generation of sound-ware for the next generation of electronic sound-smiths.
25 Gigabyte - 6 DVD

A once in a lifetime collection of electronic sounds derived, warped and re-birthed from Spitfire's enormous and highly valued collection of orchestral sample recordings... the first phase in our e.D.N.A. (ELECTRONIC DNA) project, creating the next generation of sound-ware for the next generation of electronic sound-smiths.

25 Gigabyte - 6 DVD

دانلود رایگان با لینک مستقیم :

    برای دانلود رایگان این محصول پیج اینستاگرام تهران ملودی tehranmelody@ را فالو کرده و با ارسال کلمه VST در دایرکت، کد دانلود بصورت خودکار فورا برای شما ارسال میشود.


  • 1900+ Factory instruments and 1001 custom patches designed by our award winning team. Organised into virtual cartridges, slam one in and play play play!
  • Imagine the eDNA engine as a set of two turntables and a massively complex DJ mixer. It contains two sound bays with individual and independent modulators, control of trim, bend, glide, cloning, tuning, ADSR and lpfs and hpfs and wobbles that modulate pitch, volume and filters.
  • There is an onboard gate sequencer that allows independent gating between these two bays and unified control of amount, and shape, speed and length of sequence.
  • These two signals are then at last unified with a DJ style x-fader. Move between the sounds with the mouse or the factory-default assigned modulation wheel. But it doesn't stop there. We've designed a custom script that oscillates the x-fader automatically with control over speed and phase.
  • Last but not least is eDNA's five stage FX path with 34 custom plugins (including a bunch of bespoke IRs) pre-loaded. There are two "layer fx" stages that effect sound A or B. A "motorised" FX stage that can either effect A, B or both. A master FX stage that effects the entire output. Finally an auxilliary FX stage that can be sent via the layers or master FX stage. Any parameter of these can be assigned for automation or assignment to your controller. See this diagram to understand eDNA's signal patch more fully:
مشخصات توضیحات
تحت کانتکت Yes
حجم 25 گیگا بایت ، 6 دی وی دی
سیستم عامل سازگار ویندوز مک
نام محصول
eDNA01 Earth
نسخه -
نوع بانک صدا Electronic Instruments
کمپانی منتشر کننده Spitfire Audio
هنوز نظری درج نشده است
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